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Design Packs

Prepackaged needlework items

- fabric & threads, and sometimes embellishments -

are available for purchase to create selected Barberry Row designs

and selected designs by other designers


​Prepackaged designs featured below

NOTE:  Design NOT included.  This has to be purchased separately.​


Request a quote for a pack  -

Cost of materials, excluding design, will be advised.

If accepted, a pack will be created for you



Fabric,  threads  &  specialty thread   (Silken Pearl)

​Wild Thyme 

Dusky Petals

Meadowgrass Biscornu

Hem Your Blessings Poche

In the Burgundy Scissors Fob


Josephine's Fob



Fabric,  threads  &  specialty thread   (Silk 'n Colors) 

Flowers for Sherelyn Band Sampler

Floral Silhouette

Grape Companions

Love of Your Heart

Vintage Violets

Teenie Sampler of Stitches

Ackworth Flowers



Fabric,  threads  &  specialty thread   (SAmpler or Simply Shaker) 

Sampler Keep

Sampler Scissors Keep

Family Quaker Sampler



Fabric,  threads  &  Embellishment 

D  ...  is for Dreams


Design Pack  -  Fabric & Threads  :  Barberry Row


NOTE:  Design NOT included.  This has to be purchased separately.

Design Pack  -  Fabric & Threads  :  other designers

NOTE:  Design NOT included.  This has to be purchased separately.


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Barberry Row Needlework Designs  -  Reproduction samplers, 

original samplers  and  decorative stitch designs

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Barberry Row  &  Heirlooms  ~  9 Cumberland Rise  ~  Taradale  ~  Napier   4112  ~  New Zealand

Phone:  +64  6  844  0460   or   Text:  027  649  8817  ~  Email:  

Previous Address :   Barberry Row  &  Heirlooms  ~  1821 Pakowhai Road  ~  RD 3  ~  Napier   4183  ~  New Zealand  

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