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Prior to the flood in February 2023 which totally destroyed everything,

each year Sherelyn of  Barberry Row  &  Heirlooms Needlework Gallery enjoyed setting up an exhibition

throughout her home to showcase the needlework - finished and unfinished - worked by her friends

at the needlework gallery.


The main exhibition would be a specific Barberry Row project that had been worked on,

usually the Mystery Sampler

but other pieces worked by the same needleworkers will also be on display.


It was fascinating to see howa needlework design can look so different

due to the needleworkers choice of thread and fabric colours

or their own personal additions and/or adaptions.


Visitors to these exhibitions receive lots of inspiration and enjoyment

and I sincerely hope you do too as you view the following -

Sherelyn.  Blog.JPG
Butterfly Sampler.jpg
Family Quaker.jpg
Invite.Exhibition.Sampler.2016. Poster.j
Nostalgic Needle.jpg
WMN. Joy. Multi.  Blog.JPG
DSCF3302 - Blog.JPG
Invite.Exhibition.Alphabets.2017. Poster

Christmas was often celebrated too -

jbw270.  Petite French Stockings.  3493.

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Barberry Row Needlework Designs  -  Reproduction samplers, 

original samplers  and  decorative stitch designs

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Barberry Row  &  Heirlooms  ~  9 Cumberland Rise  ~  Taradale  ~  Napier   4112  ~  New Zealand

Phone:  +64  6  844  0460   or   Text:  027  649  8817  ~  Email:  

Previous Address :   Barberry Row  &  Heirlooms  ~  1821 Pakowhai Road  ~  RD 3  ~  Napier   4183  ~  New Zealand  

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