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Heirlooms Extras

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 .....  purveyors of specialty needlework supplies, accessories

& needlework designs

cards to express your every sentiment

and distinctive gifts for that special someone or occasion

At the Needlework Gallery

hundreds of needlework pieces

are on display for inspiration


numerous items are available for purchase

for one to add to their library or craft room

to awaken their creativeness

or encourage their desire

to work another stunning needlework piece

to decorate their home

or as a remembrance

or to celebrate a special occasion

for a loved family member or a special friend.

Gallery Sign.  Welcome.  Aug 2021.  1429.JPG

Barberry Row  &  Heirlooms Needlework Gallery enjoys setting up exhibitions

to showcase the needlework - finished and unfinished - worked by my friends

at the needlework gallery




sometimes at Christmas time and sometimes mid-year, several rooms of the house are decorated

with beautiful and a wonderful selection of Christmas

Santas, Decorations, Ornamentals, Crockery, Cutlery & Serviettes, etc, 

for your tree, mantel, walls & table

and completed Christmas needlework pieces are on display.



Visitors to these exhibitions receive lots of inspiration and enjoyment

and I sincerely hope you do too as you view the following -

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Gallery Sign.  Open.  Aug 2021.  1428.JPG

Take time out to browse,

sit and stitch,

relax and chat

and enjoy choosing your needlework products

whilst refreshing yourself with a cup of tea or coffee.


Please contact the Needlework Gallery to arrange a time -

Email  -

Telephone  -  06  878  1260




Subscribe to ensure you know what's new, receive exclusive offers and be advised of happenings at Barberry Row & Heirlooms

Barberry Row Needlework Designs  -  Reproduction samplers, 

original samplers  and  decorative stitch designs

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Barberry Row  ~  9 Cumberland Rise  ~  Taradale  ~  Napier   4112  ~  New Zealand

Phone:  +64  6  844  0460   or   027  649  8817  ~  Email:  

Previous Address :   Barberry Row  ~  1821 Pakowhai Road  ~  RD 3  ~  Napier   4183  ~  New Zealand  

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