Heirlooms Needlework Gallery

..... purveyors of specialty needlework supplies, accessories
& needlework designs
cards to express your every sentiment
and distinctive gifts for that special someone or occasion
As it was prior to the devastating flood experienced in February 2023
that totally destroyed everything!

At the Needlework Gallery ....

a treasure-trove of linen and evenweave fabrics,
cross stitch, hardanger, blackwork and decorative designs,
silver, brass, pewter, semi-precious stones (e.g. amethyst, sapphire),
beads, mother-of-pearl & glass treasures embellishments,
brass bellpull hardware,
beautifully illustrated project and reference books,
needlework magazines, hand-dyed ribbons
and an abundance of gloriously coloured hand-dyed silk
and overdyed cotton threads
awaits the discerning needlewoman's pleasure
to create beautiful needlework pieces
that will remain as a legacy of her time, talent and effort

Completed pieces of needlework
are on display
at the
Needlework Gallery
for inspiration
and appreciation
for this beautiful
delicate art form

For your information: Needlework pieces pictured above are -
Tudor Rose Ornamental - The Nostalgic Needle
Pins and Needles - Forget-Me-Nots In Stitches
Teenie Wedding Announcement - The Sweetheart Tree
For Mother - JBW Designs

A wonderful selection of exquisite cards *
reminiscent of a bygone era
are available to choose from
to convey your thoughts
or to accompany
your choice of distinctive gift
* Carol's Rose Garden
The Antique Collection
The Museum's & Galleries Collection
Debbie Mumm
For Arts Sake
and more ....
And for the discerning needlewoman's workbasket
beautiful needlework tools and accessories -
reproduction Victorian styled scissors & thimbles
uniquely styled scissors
pewter and silver plated pincushions
silver plated needle holders
mother-of-pearl thread winders
whimsical wooden pictorial thread keeps
wooden & hand-painted hornbook thread keeps
decorative needleminders
gold and silver plated scissors
by Dovo of Germany
and more ....

A few of Heirlooms special things ....
Permin Linen, Brussels Linen, Northern Cross Linen, Strathaven Linen & Zweigart
Specialising in the beautiful hand-dyed threads by The Thread Gatherer -
Silk 'n Colors (100% Silk)
Silken Pearl (100% Silk Cordonnet Twist)
Other threads -
Soie dÁlger by Au Ver A Soie (100% Silk)
Sampler Threads & Simply Shaker Sampler Threads by The Gentle Art (100% Cotton)
Selected ranges & colours of DMC threads - Stranded Cotton, Perle Coton, Linen
Specialising in designs by the following designers -
Barberry Row & Barberry Row With Love
JBW Designs * With My Needle * GPA * GigiR * The Sweetheart Tree.
Hands Across The Sea Samplers
The Nostalgic Needle * Forget-Me-Nots In Stitches * Periwinkle Promises
A selection of designs by the following designers -
Rosewood Manor * CA's Eclectic Collection * NZ Sampler * Needleprint * In A Gentle Fashion * Just Nan
Dessins * Hillside Samplings * The Heart's Content * Jeanette Douglas Designs * Thistle Threads
For Stitchers Sake * The Drawn Thread * Fancy Work * The Historic Needlework Guild
Leisure Arts * Dimensions * Lavender & Lace * Liz Turner Diehl
and more ....
Please email to enquire if a design in stock ....
Just CrossStitch Christmas Ornaments - published yearly
Inspirations - The world's most beautiful magazine - published quarterly
Some back issues of the above magazines are available
A selection of back issues of other magazine publications are -
Sampler & Antique Quarterly
Just CrossStitch
Please email to enquire those available
A newsletter is written to inform of the latest acquisitions to arrive at the Needlework Gallery
and a blog is written to advise of needlework designs being worked and happenings at the Needlework Gallery.
To personally receive copies of each, please request by signing up below.
Sometimes at Christmas time and sometimes mid-year, several rooms of the house are decorated
with beautiful and a wonderful selection of Christmas
Santas, Decorations, Ornamentals, Crockery, Cutlery & Serviettes, etc,
for your tree, mantel, walls & table
and completed Christmas needlework pieces are on display to inspire you
to create them to decorate your home or to give as a gift to someone special
For that special someone for whom you cannot find the 'right' gift!
Your choice of monetary value - $20.00 : $25.00 : $50.00 : $100.00

..... is sponsor of ......
Timeless Treasures Needlework Retreat
(special times with renowned designers & tutors
or just a quiet weekend away to relax & stitch with friends)
A friendly welcome and personal service awaits you at
Heirlooms Needlework Gallery
Take time out to browse,
sit and stitch,
relax and chat
and enjoy choosing your needlework products
whilst refreshing yourself with a cup of tea or coffee.
Meet up with friends.
Small groups specially catered for and are most welcome.
Please contact the Needlework Gallery to arrange a time -
Email - barberryrow@outlook.co.nz
Thank you

Gallery Location was:
Wyndom House
1821 Pakowhai Road
RD 3
Napier 4183
New Zealand
Sadly, visiting the Needlework Gallery
is no longer a possibility
but I can still be contacted by telephone & email
You are welcome to visit me at our new home address :
9 Cumberland Rise ~ Taradale ~ Napier
Phone: 06 844 0460 \ Mobile: 027 649 8817

Barberry Row - Designs by various NZ designers
Barberry Row With Love - Designs by Sherelyn Whiteman
Heirlooms - Needlework Gallery & purveyor of fine needlework supplies