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BARB 2003



Fabric  -  Belfast Linen  -  32 count  -  Ivory  (#222)  : 

                              11”  x  13”  (28cm  x  33cm)

Threads  -  Silk ‘n Colors  bThe Thread Gatherer

                              SNC 072  :  Plum Honey 

                   -  DMC  Coton Perle  -  #12  :  3823

                   -  DMC  Stranded Cotton  -  523  :  3046  :  3740  :  3823

Embellishments  -  Mill Hill Seed Beads  -  02001  :  Pearl   

Tapestry Needle  #26  or  #28

                                    -  Beading

Embroidery Frame  or  Hoop  -  Optional


Note:  Be creative and stitch this little sampler

in your favourite colours.

Choose an overdyed thread that contains your favourite colours

and then choose three solid colour dyed threads

that complement the colours in the overdyed thread

and one solid coloured thread

that matches your fabric or bead colour

for attaching the beads of your choice.


STITCH COUNT:   70w  x  40h

FINISHED SIZES: 5”  x  2¾”    (12.5cm  x  7cm)


TECHNIQUES:   Cross Stitch,  Satin Stitch,  Four-Sided, 

Diamond Eyelet,  Rhodes,  Stem,  Tent,  Rhodes Heart, 

Lattice & Upright Cross,  Scotch Stitch,  Herringbone, 

Long-Arm Cross,  Smyrna Cross  &  Backstitch



Teenie Sampler of Stitches


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      Barberry Row Needlework Designs  -  Reproduction samplers, 

      original samplers  and  decorative stitch designs

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      Barberry Row  &  Heirlooms  ~  9 Cumberland Rise  ~  Taradale  ~  Napier   4112  ~  New Zealand

      Phone:  +64  6  844  0460   or   Text:  027  649  8817  ~  Email:  

      Previous Address :   Barberry Row  &  Heirlooms  ~  1821 Pakowhai Road  ~  RD 3  ~  Napier   4183  ~  New Zealand  

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