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The earliest sampler in existence that bears an actual stitched date  (1598)

and name is that of Englishwoman, Jane Barstocke.


The samplers that evoke the greatest emotional response for women today

are those that were stitched from the 17th through to the early 19th centuries.

Some were worked to demonstrate a young woman's formal education,

which was often limited to stitching and music

and others were worked in English orphanages and charity schools

so that poor girls could become employable above scullery-maid level.


Most samplers exhibit alphabets, numbers, motifs (flowers, houses, figures, etc.) and sayings or a Bible verse.

Generally historical samplers were worked with cross stitch

but often many contained counted thread stitches such as eyelets and satin stitches.


"Band Samplers" of the 17th century feature counted thread stitches and techniques

(such as blackwork, pulled thread, drawn thread)

arranged in bands on long and narrow pieces of linen.


Reproduction samplers  -  duplicates of samplers of yesteryear

Original Samplers  -  new designs inspired by alphabets, motifs, verses from old samplers.


Fabric and threads required for  Barberry Row  designs are not included with the design but may be purchased.

Reproduction Samplers -

Original Samplers -

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Barberry Row Needlework Designs  -  Reproduction samplers, 

original samplers  and  decorative stitch designs

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Barberry Row  &  Heirlooms  ~  9 Cumberland Rise  ~  Taradale  ~  Napier   4112  ~  New Zealand

Phone:  +64  6  844  0460   or   Text:  027  649  8817  ~  Email:  

Previous Address :   Barberry Row  &  Heirlooms  ~  1821 Pakowhai Road  ~  RD 3  ~  Napier   4183  ~  New Zealand  

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